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how to extend service with dependencies in angular 2?

I have a parent service which has some dependencies like @Injectable() export class ParentService{ constructor(pr...

What does the following line mean??

I was writing a program and had to handle buffers. But when I employed some loops I realized that the buffer was not...

How to print the array??

int main() { int my array[3][3] = 10, 23, 42, 1, 654, 0, 40652, 22, 0 }; printf("%d\n...

while(a==b); vs while(a==b) {;}?

Is there a difference between the following pieces of code: while (a==b); while (a==b) {;} Does it make an impac...

C++ deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*'?

I have a class with a private char str[256]; and for it I have an explicit constructor: explicit myClass(const cha...

Is not an enclosing class Java?

I'm trying to make a Tetris game and I'm getting the compiler error Shape is not an enclosing class when I tr...

How to parse json and read in

I have this code in my project: Dim request As HttpWebRequest Dim response As HttpWebResponse = Nothing Dim reader...

Do we have a TimeSpan sort of class in Java?

I was just wondering if there is a need of TimeSpan in java.util so that I can define how much hours,minutes and sec...

Spark: FlatMapValues query?

I'm reading the Learning Spark book and couldn't understand the following pair rdd transformation. rdd.flatMapValue...

Stray end tag img?

While validating markup through W3C validator service got this below error Stray end tag img Code is like bel...